Good evening Kohl family!
This academic school year has been tough on our Kohl Open School community. Please remember you and your loved ones are not alone. We are in this together! Christina’s School Counseling Corner’s excited to share Wellness Wednesday #2. The focus of Wellness Wednesdays will be on Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) which highlights the strengths of community agencies and their available resources. Wellness Wednesday updates will occur biweekly (2x/month). This second week’s spotlight’s on two community resources. The first community resource’s 2-1-1 San Joaquin (211SJ).
***2-1-1 San Joaquin (211SJ)***
211SJ was created through a collaborative effort by health and human service providers, state legislators, local government representatives, and county residents. 211SJ makes it easy for people like you and your loved ones to find information about available services and other help they need when they need it. 211SJ provides a much easier way to find information about available services. Please click on the URL down below to be connected directly to San Joaquin County’s online database or dial 2-1-1 on your phone to speak with a trained Resource and Referral Specialist. 211SJ services are available 24 hours a day/7 days a week.
The second community resource’s Women’s Center Youth & Family Services and how to acquire free food distribution from the comfort of your very own vehicle. Attached to this email’s Women’s Center Youth & Family Services schedule for free food distribution. Please feel free to reach out with any questions.
Sending nothing but warm, fuzzy feelies to you and yours!
—Christina D.