Ways to Support KEF

Add Kohl Education Foundation as your charity through Amazon Smile and they will donate a percentage to the Foundation from your purchases. It's that simple

20/20 Club

It’s never too late to become part of the prestigious 20/20 Club. $20 over 10 months. The monies are used to support Kohl students AND it’s a tax write-off.

Direct Donation

That's right. Just give me the money!! Blah blah more words to fill this out so it matches the items next to it.

Buy Kohl Merch

That's right. Just give me the money!! Blah blah more words to fill this out so it matches the items next to it.

Support Business that support Kohl

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Patrick's small corner of this website

Did you accidently delete Patrick’s email and voice mail? You shouldn’t have done that. Well, we got your back. Current and archived staff notes.

Distance Learning and Tech

This is super fun, right?

“Oh my gosh, this distance learning is soo much fun! And the technology part is soo easy for me”. If you think the opposite of this or if you’re looking for kids’ snacks that pair well with the Napa cabernet you’re having today, click the picture above.

The Fridge Door

Stuff that is usually on your fridge door but you misplaced it

“Honey, where did you put the permission slip? No, it’s not on the fridge. Well then, where did you put it? I’m gonna have to email Mary”. Before you call the office or your kids teacher, check here for permission slips and other forms that you’ve misplaced.

Kohl Calendar

Where's my kid going this week?

“Wait a minute. You have to be at school at 7am today? And everything in your lunch needs to be in a paper bag? Why do you have to wear waders?”

Don’t be that guy, check out the calendar.

KEF Events and News

Show us the Money!

You know all those field trips that our kids take? Or how about the “Donation Account” that supports our teachers? Well a lot of that wouldn’t be possible without the Kohl Education Foundation. That’s right, the crab feed isn’t just about having fun. It’s about taking your money. In a good way 🙂 Find out all the ways that you can get involved with KEF and your student’s education


We just want someone to like us.